AGM | 15 September 2021

Annual General Meeting Minutes 15 September, 2021

 Meeting Opened by Vincent Harrigan at 5.10 pm

Attendees: 18 (15 signed in plus 3 via Internet)
Apologies: Lynley Wallis, John Giese, Audrey Nicholson, Toni Leigh,
George Tiemstra. Debbie Wallace, Neville Bowen, Kathy Steffensen, John Gavin, Ian Adcock, Allan Holmes, Barry Goody, Jan Howard, Barbara Waterhouse, Robyn May.
Minutes of Previous AGM 20201007 Read by Secretary, Trevor Meldrum. Moved - Jason Carroll Seconded — Helen Penrose
Auditor's Report for 2020-2021:

Read by Treasurer, Kathleen Elmes and moved to accept the audit report and continue with Craig Maytom, CPA 2227403, as auditor. Seconded — Eric Rosendale

Chair's Report

Vincent thanked all the members, new members and invited guests for their attendance at this evening's AGM. The constant support and interaction with the group from everyone is greatly appreciated
All positions were declared vacant, and thanks was given to all outgoing
Executives Special thanks is given to Eric Rosendale, Deputy Chair since 2018 and Western Yalanji Elder, who is stepping down from the position. A temporary Chair to elect new executives was called for and accepted by Andrew Hartwig.

Call for Other Nominations: None
Nominations Received
Chair: Vincent Harrigan unanimously elected
Vice Chair: none
Secretary:  Trevor Meldrum unanimously elected
Treasurer: Kathleen Elmes unanimously elected


AGM | 12 September 2022


General Meeting | 21 January 2022