General Meeting | 21 January 2022

Minutes of Executive Meeting 21-01-2022          

Held at 11 John St, Cooktown QId 4895

Meeting was opened at 5.05 pm by Vincent Harrigan
Attendance: V Harrigan, Carl Doughboy, T Meldrum & K Elmes
Apologies: None 
Minutes of previous meeting AGM & GM, 15th Sept 2021, were read and moved by Trevor Meldrum Seconded by Carl Doughboy. Accepted by all.
Business arising from previous minutes:
1. Carl Doughboy was accepted as Deputy Chair on 29.11.2021.
2. Milly Darby missed the online connection time for the AGM Late Apology.

Chairs’ Report:   

It's good to see the group still running in the current climate. Thanks is given to all involved. Accepted by all.

Treasurer's Report:

Finances as at 17.01.2022 were read & moved by K Elmes. Seconded by Carl Doughboy. Accepted by all
Secretary/Operations Managers Report:

Work Log-Admin and Work Log-Jobs were presented. One grant from Agrifutures has been won. Reports moved by T Meldrum and Seconded by Vincent Harrigan. Accepted by all

  1. Queries, about how to gain "Indigenous Corporation" grant funding, are continuing.

  2. Membership renewals due this year, are to be followed up.

  3. Next Meeting  TBA

Meeting Closed  at 6 pm


AGM | 15 September 2021


General Meeting | 7 January 2021