General Meeting | 5 September 2018

Conducted our Annual General & General meeting last Wednesday night. It was well received with a lot of people attending. There were quite a lot of apologies, as there is quite a lot happening this time of year. A wide range of topics were discussed. We also farewelled our long standing Treasurer, Mrs Audrey Nicholson, who is stepping down. We are extremely appreciative for all her hard work over the years. We then welcomed our incoming treasurer Kathleen who has kindly stepped in to help out our group. We also held elections and welcomed our new board for the year. The group welcomed in our new Deputy Chair, Eric Rosendale, Chair:- Vincent, Treasurer Kathleen, and Secretary Trevor. They bring with them, traditional owner's and landholder perspectives to the Weeds and Feral Animals work we conduct throughout Cape York Peninsula. As soon as we submit the necessary information to the Office of Fair Trading, and ACNC, we will be posting the minutes of both our meetings. 

General Meeting MINUTES
​Minutes  of Previous Meetings 20171129   General Meeting Moved as accepted-John Giese Seconded-Audrey Nicholson
Read by Trevor Meldrum 20180403   Executive Meeting Moved as accepted-Charlie Lamb Seconded-Kathleen Elmes
    20180606   Executive Meeting Moved as accepted-Jason Carroll Seconded-Andrew Hardwick
Business arising from previous minutes: None
Treasurer's Report :

Report on finances at 31.08.18 read by K Elmes  Moved as accepted-George Tiemstra
  Seconded-John Giese
Secretary's Report :T Meldrum presented the report on the group's community engagements and correspondence.  
The purchase of the replacement Ute was discussed and agreed to by all.
Moved as accepted-Charlie Lamb, Seconded-George Tiemstra
Operational Report:

T Meldrum gave details of jobs completed and continuing. 
Moved as accepted-Eric Rosendale, Seconded-Audrey Nicholson
General Business:
Audrey Nicholson was accepted as a  Life Member.
Vigorous discussion was held on many subjects- difficulties due to the delay or lack of  
funding from government bodies-everyone aiming to continue works to enable local employment.
Next Meeting: AGM same time next year-date TBA

Meeting Closed at 6:00 PM



General Meeting | 20 March 2019


AGM | 9 May 2018