AGM | 9 May 2018

AGM 20180905

Old Bank Building, Cooktown.Qld.4895

Meeting Opened by Vincent Harrigan at  5.15 pm.

Attendees:   16 Attendees as per sign-on sheet
Apologies:  Lana Polglase, OliverMcConnaghie, Doon McCall, Robyn May, Barbara Waterhouse, Anne Raymond Top End Nursery, Harry Nevard, Mark Furner QG-Minister for Agriculture & Fisheries, John Gavin, Joe Wynter, John Brisbin, Matt Wallace, Sid Clayton, Graham Keating Matt Bogart, Penny Johnson, Warratah Nichols Lyndal Scobell, Eric Dick, Greg Morris, Robyn Holmes, Barry Goody.
Late Apologies:   David Ainscough, Greg Whittaker 

Chair's Report:

Vincent thanked the attendees for their continued support  of our not-for-profit group.

Auditor's Report for 2017-2018(a):

Presented  by Kathleen Elmes and  Moved as accepted- Audrey Nicholson
(b) to continue with Craig Maytom as auditor.     Seconded- Eric Rosendale

All executive positions declared vacant.
The Chair thanked the outgoing executives for all their work in the past year and called on Andrew Hardwick to take the chair and conduct elections.
Call for Other Nominations: None received
Nominations Received:

Chair Person: Vincent Harrigan unanimously elected
Vice Chair: Eric Rosendale unanimously elected
Secretary: Trevor Meldrum unanimously elected
Treasurer: Kathleen Elmes unanimously elected

AGM closed  and  GENERAL MEETING  opened at  5.25 pm


General Meeting | 5 September 2018


General Meeting | 6 September 2017