General Meeting | 7 September 2016
General Meeting opened 7 September 2016 at 5.45 pm
Minutes of Previous General Meeting on 6th April,2016.
Read by Trevor Meldrum: Moved as accepted: Eric Dick. Seconded: Jason Carroll.
Business Arising from previous minutes: none
Treasurers Report:
Report provided was read by Kathleen Elmes on behalf of the Treasurer. At 31st Aug.16, Cash in Bank was $52,764.90 which includes the working budget of $13,842 for CYNRM-Pond Apple.
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Secretary & Operations Report:
1. Meetings attended – Ag Force re Tree Clearing, CYNRM re Atlas Launch, CYNRM re Water, SCYC Gen.Meet, CYNRM Thoughtful Traveller, and CSC & Conergy re Solar Farm.
2. Performance Assessments done for Bob Fraser, Michael Goddard, Robyn May & Andrew Hardwick of CYNRM.
3. CYNRM Biosecurity Plan-Reviewed.
4. (a) E-mails were sent to Aus. And State Gov. Ministers re Navua Sedge. Qld Minister-Hon Leanne Donaldson MP replied advising Navua Sedge is heavy on the Atherton Tablelands and DAF are discussing and are planning a field day on October 22.
(b) Barbara Waterhouse, Bio Security-Aus. advised that myrtle rust is now quite widespread in Cape York Peninsula.
Completed: South Endeavour Trust – Gamba Grass and Yintjinka (Lama Lama) - NRM support
Underway: CYNRM Pond Apple 2016/17.
Upcoming CYNRM Hymenachne 2016/17
Applications placed: For Juunjuuwarra - Land Care, for Bupuguugin - Land Care, for Hymenachne control with Nat.Land Care, for NRM Support with Lama Lama, for Western Cape Turtle Threat Co-ordinator with CYNRM
Read by Trevor Meldrum Moved – Andrew Hardwick Seconded – Kathleen Elmes
General Business:
Trevor Meldrum advised that in answer to queries received-(1) Leucaena is still declared as restricted matter and Grader Grass is not on any list buts needs classifying as it is taking over huge tracts of agricultural land and destroying eco-systems and (2) New Biosecurity Laws commenced on 1st July, 2016.
The ABC interviewed the group on the success of our projects and on our future direction. It will go to air on Thursday or Friday morning. The full transcript will be sent to us later.
Ian McConnell from Ferals Australis via e-mail is doing Pig & Mango Surveys and Aerial Shoots for Balkanu – May, Sept & Nov.
Eric Dick agreed that Myrtle Rust was now killing the acacia species, Cedar Bay Cherry’s. The first run of Pond Apple control work has been completed.
Bob Frazer from CYNRM advised that Bio Security have started a national review and regional input is reaching the top. CYNRM are continuing to push the fact that weeds do affect the quality of water. CYNRM is directing fire usage/control work for ranger groups
Andrew Hardwick from Landcare says the national body has now placed their focus on “ground-cover”.
One local landholder, Judy, said there is no thank-you was reaching property owners/tenants who are keeping all invasive weeds off their places while they are seeing neighbouring properties and abutting roadside weeds flowering and seeding madly.
Another local landholder, Charlie, wasn’t happy when Ergon vehicles started crossing his land after crossing a neighbour’s infected place without even notifying him they were coming.
On Friday, 16th, The Thoughtful Traveller group will be launching their logo “Cape York-Keep it Clean” representing ‘carry less throw away rubbish-rubbish in-rubbish out’.
South Cape York Catchments will also be holding their AGM at Natures Power House on the same day.
Councillor Kaz Price spoke on the EHP (Environment & Heritage Protection)’s closing of the Laura Dump for Non Compliance. The Battle Camp, Port Stewart and Ayton dump pits may also have to become transfer stations. Also the 10cent bottle return is proceeding.
CYWAF Inc. wishes to thank the two councillors who attended.
Mitchell River Catchment Group’s John Brisbane spoke on the amount of “Costas Curse” at Julatten and that it has now been found at Misty Mountains.
The Mitchell River group is in the same boat as Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated. They are in danger of closing due to lack of funding.
It was heartening to see the community support for the group. Hopefully good things will come from the widespread support and need for our group in the Cape.
Next Meeting: Date to be advised.
Meeting Closed: At 6.45pm