AGM | 7 September 2016

CAPE YORK WEEDS AND FERAL ANIMALS INC Minutes of Annual General Meeting & General Meeting      

Conducted at the Old Bank Building, Cooktown 7 September, 2016

​Welcome to AGM:    The Meeting was opened by the Deputy Chair,  Vincent Harrigan at 5.20 pm

Membership:      1. Welcome to our new member – Lyndal Scobell
                                2. All were in favour of making John Giese a Life Member

Attendance:          As per Attendance List - 17 
Apologies:             Leanne Donaldson, State Minister for Agriculture & Fisheries, Barbara Waterhouse & Steven McKenna from Bio Security-Aus., Ian Adcock, Audrey Nicholson, John Giese, Ian McConnell.
Later apologies:  Kym Jerome, Jan Howard.

Auditors Report:  

Was tabled and the Auditor wrote to members to say that the financial report fairly presents the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure for 2015/16.  Read & moved by Kathleen Elmes.   Seconded by: Trevor Meldrum

Election of New Office Bearers and Management Committee:                    
All positions were declared vacant.  Thanks was given to out-going Office Bearers.  Lyndal Scobell stepped up and called for nominations.

The positions were filled by:  

Chair: John Giese
Deputy Chair: Vincent Harrigan
Treasurer: Audrey Nicholson
Secretary: Trevor Meldrum
As the only nominees, John, Vincent, Audrey and Trevor were unanimously accepted.
Next AGM: Same month, next year.
AGM was closed.


General Meeting | 7 September 2016