October 2017 Secretary’s Report

Correspondence received re. Cape York Peninsula Wet Tropics Area -Thunbergia Report-Oct 2017 Review

Hello Trevor
I just wanted to let you know,  I have  finished reviewing your organisation’s October 17 progress report (and photos), and have been very impressed with the inroads your organisation has done with controlling that Thunbergia up there. What you have achieved so far, is a real credit to you all.  
Please pass on my congratulations to you and your organisation members.

Presented the Cape York NRM Environmental Award at the Cooktown State School Awards, Tuesday night.

The winner was Blanch Mamoose, who was away at the time.

On Sunday 29th of October 2017, we had a working bee, including learning about killing lucaena weed, cleaning up and pruning, and erecting our new sign beside the main line to Laura.

Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated Attends 2017 -Cape York NRM  Annual General Meeting In Cooktown

 I recently attended the Cape York NRM Board meeting and AGM, held in Cooktown.  

The AGM was very well attended, with most people being very positive about all the work, and staff achievements over the last twelve months.
Further information will be sent out to all members, as it comes to hand informing you of what has occurred. 
I thought I would give you a brief rundown on what was discussed and achieved at the meeting.. The Cape York NRM newsletter which has been sent out, highlights the on ground works and outcomes for the year. 
As you are aware I have always been a strong advocate of trying to employ or contract people and organisations, who are based, and are willing to live and work, in Cape York. I had the opportunity to present a discussion paper to the Board on Friday about the Cape York NRM employment policy, which had three focus areas. 
The first is building on Cape York NRM's business model which is focused on building capacity on Cape York and delivering through partnerships.  The board is investigating ways to strengthen the commitment to contracting work. Secondly the location of staff on the Cape was discussed. The Board is working to increase the staff that live and work from a location within the Cape York NRM Region and we are looking at the costs and impacts on delivery that this might have, so we can develop a good approach to this. Thirdly, we are looking to strengthen Cape York NRM’s commitment to capacity building for organisations.  This includes looking at the possibilities for employment of persons from Cape York in trainee roles with mentoring and training to allow them to develop into full positions. 
The board was very encouraging with broad support for looking at how we can do this and it was resolved that I work with the chairperson, and the CEO to get the right employment policy happening for Cape York. As you know I will keep working on areas that the community feels strongly about. The good news is that the new Indigenous Community Engagement Officer's position, has been advertised to be based in Cooktown.
Another topic of discussion was the need for more members across the Cape and the Board Directors are encouraging everyone that maybe interested to apply as soon as possible.  please get in touch if you would like to become a member or would like more information about it. Shortly we will be looking for new Directors for Cape York NRM so now is a great time to join up.

On another note , I was successful in being elected to the position of Deputy Chairperson of Cape York NRM. 

As I said, I will try to keep you informed as to what is happening.  As always I appreciate your feedback and please contact me if you have any questions.

CYWAFA_INC attended the Regional Investment Strategy Workshop

Held in Cooktown last week. Hopefully we have a way forward and we can attract some more resources to help us look after our Weeds and Feral Animals problems, and our unique environment in Cape York Peninsula.


Thunbergia Control Program Progress Report  October 2017


Healthy Landscapes Project Launch