Cape York Weed & Feral Animals

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First AC-DC Training Course as part of Queensland Feral Pest Initiative

Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated has completed the First AC-DC training course for horticulturalists and graziers from Laura Valley, Cooktown, Endeavour Valley, Mt Amos and Rossville as a part of Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.

We have finally finished marking the AC-DC course conducted recently for the the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative and on behalf of Cape York Natural Resource Management.

Congratulations to the first eight horticulturists and graziers who passed with their new superior weed knowledge.

Their CALM tickets will arrive in due course.

They now have the knowledge and skills to do do battle with invasive weeds, on their properties.

We hope that Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals Inc., has given our landholders the necessary tools to keep our unique environment up here as clean and beautiful as it was intended to be.