Cape York Weed & Feral Animals

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Queensland State Landcare Awards 2019


Cape York had a great night at the Queensland State Landcare Awards on Friday!
Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated won the Indigenous Land Management Award, taking home the trophy!

Jessie Price-Decle from South Cape York Catchments, got runner-up Queensland Young Landcare Leader.

A huge congratulations , to both CYWAFAI_INC and Jess. 

This was such a good opportunity to showcase what brilliant workplace achievements we have had up here over the years.
Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc. will now go on to the National Landcare Awards next year, we have our fingers crossed!

Thanks to Cape York Natural Resource Management's Chair Emma Jackson for the photos. Thanks to Queensland Water and Land Carers for hosting such a fabulous event!