AGM | 7 October 2020

Annual General Meeting  Minutes 7 October 2O2O

 Meeting Opened by Vincent Harrigan at 5.17pm. 

Attendees: 14 as sign in sheet plus 2 via Zoom
Apologies: Ron Tiemstra, Stephen Ung, John Gavin, John Brisbin, Deb Wallace, Neville Bowen, Kathy Steffensen
Minutes of Previous AGM 20190811 Read by Secretary, Trevor Meldrum. Moved - Jason Carroll Seconded - Charlie Lamb

Auditor's Report:

For 2019-2020 Read by Treasurer, Kathleen Elmes and moved to accept report and continue with Craig Maytom, CPA2227403, as auditor. Seconded - George Tiemstra

Chair's Report:

Vincent thanked all the members, new members and invited guests for their attendance, support and constant interaction with the group. It has been a good year on the ground even with Covid 19 and the auditor's report agrees.

All positions were declared vacant and thanks was given to all outgoing Executives
A temporary Chair to elect new executives was called for and accepted by Andrew Hartwig.
Call for Other Nominations: None

Nominations Received: None 
Chair: Vincent Harrigan unanimously elected                       

Vice Chair: Eric Rosendale unanimously elected
Secretary: Trevor Meldrum unanimously elected                   

Treasurer: Kathleen Elmes unanimously elected

AGM closed and GENERAL MEETING opened at 5.30 p.m.


General Meeting | 7 October 2020


General Meeting | 15 September 2021