AGM | 6 September 2017
Conducted our Annual General meeting last night. It was well received with nineteen people attending. A wide range of topics were discussed. We also fare welled our long-standing chairperson, John Giese, who is stepping down. We are extremely appreciative for all his hard work over the years. We then welcomed our incoming chairperson, Mr Vincent Harrigan, who brings with him a traditional owner's perspective in the Weeds and Feral Animals work we conduct throughout Cape York Peninsula.
CAPE YORK WEEDS AND FERAL ANIMALS INC Minutes of AGM & GM Held at Old Bank Building, Cooktown 6th September, 2017
Welcome to AGM: The meeting was opened by the Deputy Chair, Vincent Harrigan at 5.15 pm
Barbara Madigan, Kaz Price, Sally Gray, Carle Irons, Pam Schultz, Minister Bill Byrnne, Peter Alden, Bruce Lansdown, Cory Bell, Pete Kilshaw, Minister Barnaby Joyce, Barbara Waterhouse, Andrew Hardwick, Barbara Rosendale-Collie, Ian Adcock, Bob Frazer. Late apologies-Barry Lyons.
Auditor’s Report 2016/17:
Was tabled and the Auditor wrote to members to say that the financial report fairly presents the assets, liabilities, income and expenditure for
the year. Read by Kathleen Elmes on behalf of Audrey Nicholson. Moved as read by B.Goody. Seconded by: Lyndal Scobell.
Election of New Office Bearers and Management Committee:
All positions were declared vacant and thanks was given to out-going Office Bearers for their dedication and continuous work.
Lyndal Scobell stepped up and called for nominations.
The positions were filled by:
Chair: Vincent Harrigan
Deputy Chair: Jason Carroll
Treasurer: Audrey Nicholson
Secretary: Trevor Meldrum
All new office bearers were unanimously accepted. The meeting proceeded with the new Chair.
Appointment of C.Maytom, again as auditor for the following year was moved by T.Meldrum and Seconded by Jason Carroll.
Next AGM Same month, Next Year, Date to be advised.
AGM was closed and GM opened at 5.30 pm