General Meeting | 11 September 2019
Conducted our Annual General & General meeting last Wednesday night. It was well received with a lot of people attending. There were a lot of apologies, as there is quite a lot happening this time of year.
A wide range of topics were discussed including the passing of pastor George Rosendale, our Deputy Chair's brother. A minute's silence was held to pay tribute.
We then declared all positions vacant. Elections were held and we welcomed our new board for the year.The group welcomed in our Chair:- Vincent, Deputy Chair, Eric, Treasurer Kathleen, and Secretary Trevor. They bring with them, traditional owner's and landholder perspectives to the Weeds and Feral Animals work we conduct throughout Cape York Peninsula.We will be posting the minutes of both our meetings directly.
Minutes of GENERAL MEETING 11.09.2019
Treasurers Report:
Report on finances at 06.09.2019 read and moved by Kathleen Elmes. Seconded by Neville Bowen
Secretary's Report:
The Group's community engagements and correspondence presented and moved by T Meldrum. Seconded by Jason Carroll
Operation's Report:
QFPI Capacity Building for 15 Horticultural and Grazing Businesses,Pond Apple with Jabalbina, South Endeavour Trust - Gamba Grass control, Rubbervine at Laura River and AC DC Training were all completed Bonny Glen Land Care and Holroyd River Feral Animal Control programs are still running. moved by T Meldum. Seconded by A Hartwig.
Minutes of Previous Meeting 19-06-2019 Executive Meeting - Read & Moved by T Meldrum Seconded-K Elmes
Business arising from previous minutes:
1.Membership to be made free with three year renewals.
Proposed and moved by K Elmes Seconded by Jason Carroll Approved by all
General Business:
Trevor Meldrum was congratulated on completing the up-grade of his Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
Discussion around the table covered - QWaLC Insurance covers will continue for Not-for-Profit groups: SCYC-One Environmental Trainee has found work, three continuing:
Planning of final Holroyd shoot to fit in with CSC Baiting runs.
Mt Dowling Station thanked CYWAFA Inc for the QFPI- capacity building:
Indian Miner Bird traps have been placed where seen and Trials on herbicide efficiency starting.
Next Meeting: TBA
Meeting Closed at 6.05 pm